Organic grains of the region.
Orgranik is a brand of products characterized by rescuing the most nutritious grains in the region. The same ones that have the most important certifications in the food sector in order to guarantee the quality of their ingredients. In this development it was intended to rescue the place with origin aligned to the nutritional benefits they offer. Its products include: quinoa, beans, lentils, among others.

Products with export sights.
Within this product line we can highlight the natural products of the elaborated products. However, the importance of maintaining brand and packaging guidelines allows an association towards the brand and also that of generating a broad brand architecture with variations in its guidelines.
Furthermore, in the development of Rapilunch, we used a 100% biodegradable packaging. Part of being a brand that highlights its organic values, it also differentiates itself by caring for the environment through the use of environmentally friendly raw materials.