Products with social responsability.
We were in charge of developing a new concept of tea. The main ingredients are grown and produced in South America, Ecuador and Peru. This product line includes: Arriba cocoa chocolate, maca, guayusa, golden berries, etc. One of the main social responsibility objectives of this brand was to help the animals of the Ecuadorian Amazon to return them to nature.

The return of the Inca warrior.
The main objective was to connect the idea of the Inca warrior portrayed in these animal masks. This warrior has the appropriate style of the time period that includes crowns, large gold earrings, face painting, etc. Also the representation of these masks evokes most representative animals in the main culture, most of them are symbols of strength and wisdom. As an example, the jaguar represents power, mystical darkness and sacred energies and is linked to political power in that particular period of time.

Illustration as a unique design factor.
We use illustration as our main technique so that we can create a unique and striking style. By mixing all the main ideas as well as: Inca warrior, ingredients and social responsibility, we could find this interesting representation of each product. It is also important to mention that we can incorporate more products in the category without losing its main criteria.